After any vaccinations, we require a 10 day wait so your pets immune system can fully recover from vaccinations.

Required Vaccinations for Grooming


Rabies and Distemper are required for grooming services.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for grooming services are Bordetella (Kennel Cough) and Leptospirosis (L4)

  • We may refuse service for failure to be up to date on vaccinations and we reserve the right to implement our no show fee.

  • Under 16 weeks: Puppy Starter (Parvovirus, Hepatitis, Distemper). Puppies must have completed at least 2 sets of shots before being admitted into the styling salon.

  • 16 weeks and older: All dogs must have their rabies, booster, and Bordetella (kennel cough) shots up to date. Vaccinations must have been administered at least ten (10) day before their scheduled appointment. We may refuse service for failure to comply.

  • Teiters: This is a blood test which measures the levels of vaccinations in a pet. We will accept this for those concerned with over vaccination of the pet. Please Note: this is only possible once your pet has gone through the normal puppy vaccination regiment. Consult your veterinarian.

  • Due to vaccination limitations with Wolf hybrids, these pets will not be accepted for any services/events in any Pet-Agree facility. This includes, but is not limited to, grooming, lodging, daycare, dog training etc.


Rabies and Distemper are required for grooming services

  • We may refuse service for failure to be up to date on vaccinations and we reserve the right to implement our no show fee.

  • Under 16 weeks: Parvovirus (Panleukopenia), Herpesvirus-1 (Viral Rhinotracheitis), Calicivirus, First Year Boosters

  • 16 weeks and older: Their rabies shot must be up to date. Vaccinations must have been administers at least ten (10) day before their scheduled appointment.

  • Negative feline leukemia test.

Required Vaccinations for Training (suspended service)


  • Under 16 weeks: puppy starter (Parvovirus, Hepatitis, Distemper)

  • 16 weeks and older: All dogs must have their rabies and booster shots up to date. Vaccinations must have been administered at least ten (10) day before their scheduled appointment. We may refuse service for failure to comply.

  • Note: Puppies must have at least their second set of Puppy shots a minimum of two weeks prior to the start of the class environment.

Requirements for All Services

Fleas & ticks

In addition to vaccinations, all dogs should be flea and tick free. Campers and guests with signs or discovery of fleas and/or ticks will be treated in our styling salon at the pet parent’s expense.

Requirements for Lodging

The health & safety of pets is our priority. Knowing the dietary needs, exercise restrictions or required medications for our guests helps us provide the best experience. Our comfortable lodging & safety-certified associates provide a welcoming environment for pets to stay while you’re away! Guests will feel at home with the around-the-clock care of our pet-loving staff. It’s the ultimate stay-cation destination for pets!

Lodging at Pet Agree™

Required Vaccinations for Lodging


Pet-Agree™ requires animals in our care to meet certain vaccination requirements based on age and type of animal. All required vaccinations must be up to date and administered by a licensed vet. See the table below for required vaccinations.

Proof of Vaccinations

Unacceptable Proof of Vaccinations

  • A rabies tag on the pet’s collar is not acceptable proof of vaccination.

  • Self administered vaccinations will not be accepted. Pet-Agree does not accept for any reason any pets where the pet parent administered vaccinations themselves without proper dated log and lot stickers present.

  • All Rabies vaccinations must be administered by a licence veterinarian per state law.

Acceptable Proof of Vaccinations:

  • Vaccination record from the Veterinarian’s office or rescue group.

  • If the pet cannot be vaccinated, a letter from the vet, on letter head, stating the medical condition is not allowing vaccinations is required.

  • A titers test is accepted for proof of vaccinations.

We are not responsible for notifying the pet parent of expiration of any vaccinations; this is the pet owners responsibility and we have the right to refuse service if the pet is not up to date on any one of their required vaccinations. We reserve the right to implement a fee for having to refuse the appointment due to vaccinations not being current. All local vets have our fax number (812-556-0508) and as such the owner may request for the veterinarian to fax their vaccinations to Pet-Agree in advance to any appointment.

Required Forms

To better serve our guests, we request pet parents complete certain forms before their pet’s visit.

Authorization for Release of Vaccinations Form currently this form only available in the salon.
This form helps you request vaccination information from your veterinarian. Ask your vet to complete the form and fax it to Pet-Agree.